Mark my Words...
I'm calling it.
Democrats will likely win control of the government today, I concede. What a sad, sad day.
However, I want to point out this morning that the economy, under the relatively conservative watch of the Republicans, is the strongest it's been in years. Lowest unemployment rate, frequent stock-market records, and low inflation. Beautiful. When the Democrats who win today look back in a few years and say, "You know, since we've been in office, the economy has been surging" and point to 2004-2006, I want you, Reader, to say "LIAR!!"
The Dems will try to take credit for today's robust economy. Don't let them.
Democrats will likely win control of the government today, I concede. What a sad, sad day.
However, I want to point out this morning that the economy, under the relatively conservative watch of the Republicans, is the strongest it's been in years. Lowest unemployment rate, frequent stock-market records, and low inflation. Beautiful. When the Democrats who win today look back in a few years and say, "You know, since we've been in office, the economy has been surging" and point to 2004-2006, I want you, Reader, to say "LIAR!!"
The Dems will try to take credit for today's robust economy. Don't let them.
At 7:52 PM, WonkosBud said…
Cole, our constitution provides for three branches not one. If, as you lament, that Dems. take the House of Reps and the Senate then they will have a hold of one of the three branches. But as things stand now they will gain control of half of one of the branches. The Executive will still be made up of a Republican. That Republican, President Bush has approval ratings of about 35%.
I believe that you are wrong. The most records with the stock market occured under Democratic leadership. The lowest unemployment rates occured under Democrats, and as for inflation your way off.
But here is something for you to consider, It is largely due to the excesses of the last six years that we are headed for a major recession. You need look no futher than three indicators, the canaries in the mine if you will, the housing market, savings rate to debt ratio, and average age for first time marriage.
Single family new housing: It is taking longer to sell a house at an alarming rate. We have become a zero savings-debt laden country. This may suprise some some as it did me but, the average age for first time marriage is increasing and the main reason cited, economics.
Professor, I will not be so crass as to call you a "LIAR", but I wish you would think more and believe less.
Gratias Tibi Ago Deus
Wonko's Bud
At 8:35 PM, Cole said…
I know about our Constitution. The Dems will take control of enough of it to no longer allow conservative votes to control policy. That's what I meant, but I was not very explicit.
If your argument is that Democratic legislation promotes the economy, I think you ought to really reconsider your data. Many times the economy did well under a Democratic president because conservatives ruled the House. For example, history has proven that Reaganomics worked, but not until he left office. Ask an economist if you don't believe me.
I can assure you that I think before I believe. But thank you for your suggestion.
At 10:10 AM, Anonymous said…
America likes divided govt
At 6:34 PM, Anonymous said…
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At 12:50 PM, Anonymous said…
Isn't this post entitled "Independent" Abilene? Seems like this is a partisan, GOP v. Dems, post to me.
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