Independent Abilene

The purpose of this blog is two-fold: first, I wish to provide facts that many Abilenians may not know; facts that could change the way they feel about city government, taxation, and civil liberties. Second, this blog will serve as a sounding board for my own Libertarian opinions--and your opinions, too, of any stripe. Together, let's make Abilene a better place.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Place 5

Now is the time to run for City Council. You can put your name in until March 12th. Place 5 is currently occupied by Stormy Higgins, whose votes are among the most liberal with respect to spending taxpayer monies and creating new budgetary reasons to spend future monies. Moreover, he was a driving force behind the current Smoking Ban.

I urge--beg, even--someone with fiscally conservative values to run against Mr. Higgins, whom I actually respect quite a bit as a person, but who clearly does not understand how to reign in spending and protect individual rights. I also urge voters to recognize such a candidate and vote for him or her.


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