Finally, some fiscal intelligence...
"Group blasts state's move to cut enhancement program"
By Associated Press
March 5, 2007
HOUSTON - The head of the National Trust for Historic Preservation is calling on members to protest the state's decision to scrap a program to beautify museums, trails, parks and other amenities simply because of a shortfall in federal highway transportation funding.
Richard Moe, president of the Washington, D.C.-based group, said Texas is the only state in the country that has responded to recent cuts in federal highway spending by getting rid of its Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program.
Now, this is some intelligent decision-making I can get behind. The state is cutting funds that should have never been allocated in the first place. If YOU feel that the roads should be beautified, that historic sites should be preserved, and that pretty trails should be created and maintained, then YOU form a PRIVATE group, solicit donations, and fund it yourself. Don't pass legislation that forces ME to do it against my will. "Enhancing historic highway sites" is not needed; it's merely wanted. Pay for it yourself.
By Associated Press
March 5, 2007
HOUSTON - The head of the National Trust for Historic Preservation is calling on members to protest the state's decision to scrap a program to beautify museums, trails, parks and other amenities simply because of a shortfall in federal highway transportation funding.
Richard Moe, president of the Washington, D.C.-based group, said Texas is the only state in the country that has responded to recent cuts in federal highway spending by getting rid of its Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program.
Now, this is some intelligent decision-making I can get behind. The state is cutting funds that should have never been allocated in the first place. If YOU feel that the roads should be beautified, that historic sites should be preserved, and that pretty trails should be created and maintained, then YOU form a PRIVATE group, solicit donations, and fund it yourself. Don't pass legislation that forces ME to do it against my will. "Enhancing historic highway sites" is not needed; it's merely wanted. Pay for it yourself.