Independent Abilene

The purpose of this blog is two-fold: first, I wish to provide facts that many Abilenians may not know; facts that could change the way they feel about city government, taxation, and civil liberties. Second, this blog will serve as a sounding board for my own Libertarian opinions--and your opinions, too, of any stripe. Together, let's make Abilene a better place.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

City Branding: Update

A member of Abilene's City Council has assured me that the newspaper article (below) misrepresented the situation of city branding. Though hiring an outside consultant at six figures has been suggested, there are currently no plans being put forward to do so.


  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger laura g said…

    Interesting. So, by saying that the article "misrepresented the situation," does the councilman mean that A) George Nichols lied in his statement to the paper, B) that the paper flat made up the statement, or C) the Council got a bunch of angry phone calls about such a fee having been negotiated?

  • At 5:42 AM, Blogger Cole said…

    Yes, or that George N. was prematurely counting his chickens. Not sure. In any event, my source told me it was certainly not about to happen.

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