Independent Abilene

The purpose of this blog is two-fold: first, I wish to provide facts that many Abilenians may not know; facts that could change the way they feel about city government, taxation, and civil liberties. Second, this blog will serve as a sounding board for my own Libertarian opinions--and your opinions, too, of any stripe. Together, let's make Abilene a better place.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Nancy Pelosi is an idiot. Self-aggrandizing, she tried to make an end-run around the President to score one for the Democrats, but instead, made a complete fool out of herself and put a black eye on the USA. Just like a Democrat.


  • At 2:53 PM, Blogger WonkosBud said…

    Calm down Professor. It's going to be OK. Breathe slowly in and out and think really good thoughts. I ask you to consider this... YOU F***ING MORON!!! ;-)

    First, the black and blue on the body USA comes not from the Dems but rather from the Republithugs and their mindless followers Chicken Hawks (Chicken Hawk:one who strongly and vocally supports the war without exception, except they will not don the uniform of the United States) who lied our way into an unnecessary war.

    Contrary to what you might wish to believe, Pelosi and the Dems are following the wishes of the American voter. They are actively trying to repair the damage of the last six years caused by President Bush and his gang that couldn't shoot straight.

    Don't you find it odd that the Republithugs that went with Pelosi, have for the most part, received no condemnation? In fact, the White House has acted as a facilitator for the " eye..." giving Republithugs.

    My dear Professor, I hope you don't take offense by how I have chosen to reply to your blog. I had hoped to demonstrate that by relying on the personal attack, name calling, that the name caller is diminished. You may have some valid points to make against the Democratic Majority but I could not find one.

    Gratias Tbi Ago Deus

    Woko's Bud

  • At 2:59 PM, Blogger Cole said…

    First of all, no individual has the right to "do what the voters want" outside of proper channels. That's why we have representatives, not vigilantes.

    Second, if Republicans went with Pelosi to deliver an unauthorized message to a country, then they're idiots, too. The message was unauthorized, period, and Pelosi (and party) tried to score for the Dems. Do you deny this, seriously?


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